Supporting Students & Teachers in Lahaina

Our organization is working to support the teachers and children of Lahaina. During the Native Hawaiian Advancement Convention held on Maui in November we learned about how education in west Maui has been affected by the fires. Teachers are forced to grapple with a new, disheartening reality, consisting of alternative physical learning environments, students facing mental health issues resulting from the disaster, and students' gaps in learning caused by the loss of instruction time. On top of these obstacles, as of mid November there are still close to 500 students still not back at school.

 Concerns about safety, particularly regarding dangerous toxins in the air, water, and land, as well as fire safety, continue to weigh heavily on the minds of parents. As a start, our organization is creating a plan to help monitor the toxins within the air, with the intention of providing these parents with peace of mind and ensuring the safety of their children.


PONO Legal at the Office of Recovery-West Maui


Involvement at Community Hubs